
This family history site contains dates, information and graphics which may be viewed by anyone with an internet connection.  Some of the content has been found on other internet sites and, in most cases, credit has been given to the original website or person.  I don't mind if this content is copied or used but only for the purposes of family history research.  I would appreciate acknowledgement whenever my original content is used in any form.

Frequent updates are made to this site content.

Although the content of the site has been checked and researched with all due diligence, the accuracy cannot be guarranteed nor final.  Readers are advised to evaluate carefully and establish the validity and integrity of the information found in this website prior to use.  It is recommended that all data, information, dates, family relationships, etc, be checked independently before they are used in any way.  Just because it appears on the internet it is not automatically correct.

This site may contain inaccuracies and/or typographical errors.

The content in this site is presented on an “as is” basis.

The author of this website does not give or make any representation or warranty (either expressed or implied) as to the completeness, accuracy or reliability of the contents of this website or any linked websites.  No responsibility arising in any way (including from negligence) for errors or omissions in the contents of this website and the linked websites is accepted by the author.

Living Individuals - for security and privacy reasons, this site contains no personal information of individuals believed to be living other than basic birth, marriage and death information which is considered to be reasonably in the public domain.  If family members do not want any information about their ancestors to be on this site or if the information about you is not correct, please advise the author.